Saturday, April 17, 2010

Keep on running (to the tune of "keep on swimming" from Finding Nemo)

Today, Sunday April 18, I went for my first long run. Normally a long run is 8-10 miles but today my 5-6 mile run just felt like 8-10. I felt like an old lady last night when I hit a wall at 9 and was in bed by 9:30. My volunteer friends came back from the nightly Hoi An beach party (starts at 11:30, ends at 3:00 or 4:00) at around 2:30 a.m. Getting up at 4:45 a.m. (which we did this morning) does not especially facilitate a late night. This morning I woke up (sans alarm) at 5:30 and was out for my run by 6. Running in humidity feels a bit easier than running in dry heat. I'm not sure why but I don't feel the heat as much. That being said, I still feel like I'm running through water. Usually 5 miles takes me 45 minutes and 6 miles takes around 54. I know it was at least 8 km round trip but I someone else said it was 10km. In any case, it took me more than an hour and 15 minutes to finish. After all the food I've enjoyed in Hoi An, however, I'll be running as much as I can. It's between 75-85, which really isn't bad, with about 75% humidity. We'll see how I do this summer though!

I'm getting better at bargaining, but I know I'm still getting charged high prices. Oh well, I now have some beautiful clothes for teaching.

Time to go eat breakfast, rent a bicycle and go lay on the beach with Eat, Pray, Love.

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed by this very early rising and running before teaching. I'm so glad that teaching is going so well. "You couldn't have done better" is a pretty great complement from the Vietnamese instructor!


About Me

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My life goal is to visit a minimum of one country for every year of my life. If I live to be 100, then I hope to visit 100 countries! My first goal is to visit 30 countries by the end of my 30th year in February 2014. This blog will chronicle my journeys.