Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Monsoon season

The monsoon season is upon us now and when it rains, it rains HARD. I always associated rain with winter and early spring and if it rains in the morning, it rains all day. Here, the monsoon season is a late summer/fall phenomenon. It can be beautiful and sunny with out a cloud in the sky and 15 minutes later be pouring down rain. I've always loved rain so I enjoy it, but I definitely have to pack a rain jacket every time I leave the dorm!

We air dry all of our clothes here so as soon as it starts raining, we scurry out to push the racks of drying clothes into the kitchen. It often takes a few days for our clothes to try because 1) we often don't get them inside soon enough and 2) in addition to rain, we also have humidity and clothes don't dry well unless the weather is dry!

Southeast Asia relies on these monsoons for a variety of reasons. Rice needs constant rain to prosper because rice paddies must be several inches deep in water for the rice to grow. It's also really hot during this time so the afternoon showers cool everything down a bit. It's not nearly as hot as Vietnam was- that was horrendous, but it's still in the 90s.

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My life goal is to visit a minimum of one country for every year of my life. If I live to be 100, then I hope to visit 100 countries! My first goal is to visit 30 countries by the end of my 30th year in February 2014. This blog will chronicle my journeys.