Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Two months to take off

Merry belated Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa and Hanukkah,

It's almost the new year and I'm so excited to be off on my adventure. It looks like my thesis will be done in late February/ early March but my human subjects approval was delayed so it's going to be a push to the end. I just cut my hair in preparation for the heat in Vietnam and will post a photo once I get a good one.

I'm completely moved out of my apartment, which is a relief, and one other thing to check off my list. Now I just have a week and a half left of work and my thesis... oh and planning the other parts of my trip. I guess I'll get to that when I leave for Hawaii on January 12th for 9 days of hiking, scuba diving and relaxing. I have my final half marathon before my trip on February 7th and my 27th birthday on February 12th.  It's been 7 years since I first started planning this trip, and it looks nothing like it did then, but I'm sure it will be an experience of a lifetime.

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About Me

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My life goal is to visit a minimum of one country for every year of my life. If I live to be 100, then I hope to visit 100 countries! My first goal is to visit 30 countries by the end of my 30th year in February 2014. This blog will chronicle my journeys.