Thursday, November 5, 2009

Welcome to my blog

Well it's Thursday, November 5th and I have begun the countdown. I have given my notice at my job and started the tedious process of moving my stuff and my kitties back to my parents house.

Giving notice has been much harder then I expected because I'm realizing how much I'm going to miss my students, faculty and friends here at HRP and at Stanford. I've received so many wonderful comments and emails since I told everyone I was leaving.

I hope everyone enjoys the upcoming blogs. If you would like to get together prior to my trip, please give me a call or email me.


1 comment:

  1. Check out these websites:


About Me

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My life goal is to visit a minimum of one country for every year of my life. If I live to be 100, then I hope to visit 100 countries! My first goal is to visit 30 countries by the end of my 30th year in February 2014. This blog will chronicle my journeys.